Interested in becoming a Play Therapist?
The National Association for Play Therapy India are currently able to offer a range of online certification programmes (please click the course title for full programme details):
Play Therapy as a Counselling Tool
Play Therapy Interventions for Specific Client Groups
Play Therapy for Children with Special Needs
Play Therapy Skills (Special Needs)
Play Therapy for Children with Special Needs - Double Certification
Play Therapy Interventions for Differently Abled Children (by diagnosis)
Certified Therapeutic Play Practitioner for Children with Special Needs
Certified Facilitator of group Therapeutic Play sessions for Children with Special Needs
Each course provides you with tutorial videos and additional materials, along with practical examples, activities and self-reflective tasks. The assessment procedure enables you to put in to practice the knowledge and skills acquired and you will receive individualised feedback and guidance throughout.
If you have an interest in a specific Play Therapy topic, we are now also able to offer a selection of individual modules to further your knowledge and skillset.
Please click here for full details.
Training is provided by Play Therapist Lucy Bowen, MSc (UK) on behalf of the National Association for Play Therapy India.
Please note that completion of a short course in Play Therapy can equip you with Play Therapy principles, skills, techniques and interventions to integrate in to your practice but does not certify you as a Play Therapist. For full details on how to become a Certified Play Therapist, please click here.​
The National Association for Play Therapy India are also able to offer customised workshops and training programmes. We are currently active in India, Sri Lanka, Maldives and Bangladesh and have participants across the globe enrolled in our online programmes.
If you require any further information about becoming a Play Therapist, or would like to reserve your place on one of our training programmes, please email: training@playtherapyindia.org
Already a Play Therapist? Become a Member!
We are excited to announce that we have now finalised the criteria (in-line with the international guidelines and standards) to award 'Certified Play Therapist' status in India. For more information on how to apply for the accrediation, please click here.
The National Association for Play Therapy India are working hard to link Play Therapists throughout the country and to set the standard for therapists to adhere to, ensuring all clients receive the best possible service. For more information about becoming a member of the National Association for Play Therapy India, please click here.
If you are a practicing Play Therapist and would like to get involved in hosting Play Therapy training and webinars, please email: training@playtherapyindia.org
If you are searching for a Play Therapist, please click here.
The National Association for Play Therapy India are also able to offer continued supervision for those practicing in the field. For more information please email: training@playtherapyindia.org
Other Opportunities
As a registered NGO with limited funding we are always seeking motivated individuals to help our cause, whether it be with the children, in the office or in the local community. If you feel you have any services that you could offer, we would love to hear from you. Please contact us and get involved!